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Dooder3926 karma

heart broken

Dooder397 karma

R.I.P pc.

Dooder395 karma

I wonder how much work that will cost. I imagine if your ship would be within the atmosphere it would crash down (like in KSP) even with dampeners. And considering every block has to be calculated I imagine it would create a serious performance hit too.

Dooder395 karma

There is already a mod for that. But it would be awesome to see this in vanilla.

Dooder395 karma

I'm a Dutch citizen from the day I was born, but I have a Kurdish background so I really wanted to ask this question:

What's your stance about the Kurds trying to get their own independend nation? I heard support from many countries, but none from the country I consider to be my home. Are there any plans being put on table to strengthen the political bonds between the Netherlands and Kurdistan?