Highest Rated Comments

DowagerCountess533 karma

Gay dude here. I can assure you neither I, nor the construction worker I fuck, are fabulous.

We're actually just as boring as everyone most people.

DowagerCountess15 karma

hi, i've read a bit about you previously, and i just wanted to say that you seem really awesome!and good luck on your training/competitions. but since this is an AmA...what would you say to a young girl who wanted to follow in your footsteps, but wasn't sure how to apart from starting to lift? any advice on what non-physical challenges she may have to face?

DowagerCountess8 karma

My cousin was born with a lot of problems, and couldn't eat protein. God bless america and the insane costs of her prescription food.

Also, your diet (minus the food prescriptions) sounds really yummy.

DowagerCountess5 karma

skyline or goldstar?

DowagerCountess3 karma

Thanks for posting this... I take immunosuppressive meds and have never heard of this. Going to look into it.