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DrKaota1 karma

I am about to start paramedic school in the US, is there any advice you could give for an aspiring emergency service provider? Secondly I would be very curious to know about similarities and differences between EMS systems and/or procedures between US and UK if anything comes to mind.

DrKaota1 karma

The nurses tell me I have great veins ;)

DrKaota1 karma

Thank you for that. I finished my basic last spring and I start medic on Monday, so I may have some trouble but I was not expecting it to be easy. Some firefighters I know said they passed their basic without cracking their book; I read every goddamn page of it (slight exaggeration).

Paramedic is not a career goal of mine, I'd prefer to work in the hospital if possible and all the ER techs I met during my basic clinical time were paramedics. I guess my goal is to see how far I can open my scope of practice before I become jaded or complacent, I hope this path can take me to med school someday, but thats a long way from now.

Maybe I'm a fool for moving too fast, but the idea of intervening on the human body to help maintain or even restore homeostasis excites the shit out of me, I'm getting hard thinking about it (slight exaggeration).