Highest Rated Comments

DrLuckyLuke85 karma

How do you cope with all your music sounding really muffled (since you're underground and all that)?

DrLuckyLuke24 karma

Hello, I am a german Electrical Engineering student in my first semester, and I do a lot of hobby electronics (I am currently planning the launch of a High Altitude Balloon to explore near-space for myself). My dream is to someday work in the space business, and work on a satellite that goes somewhere significant, like another planet or an asteroid, or maybe even land somewhere. Do you have any suggestions or career tips for me? Do you know where and how I can participate in any space related projects as a Student?

DrLuckyLuke24 karma

Do you have any literature on circadian rythms and sleeping you'd recommend? Bonuspoints if they're understandable for someone who doesn't study medicine :)

DrLuckyLuke10 karma


DrLuckyLuke5 karma

There is a lot of insurance fraud going on in russia, where people throw themselves infront of your car to claim insurance money. With dashcams people can prove that they're a victim of insurance fraud.