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Dr_TattyWaffles13 karma

From my own travels I know many countries have stray dogs which can be quite dangerous. North Africa and the middle East especially. Did Savannah have any issues with the locals?

Dr_TattyWaffles2 karma

How much input do you get to give in pre-production and production? Do you have your own supervisors on set, or do you just get handed a hard drive after the shoot wraps?

Dr_TattyWaffles1 karma

Hey there, sorry I'm late to this - it looks like I've missed out.

Do you have any experience with ayahuasca? I have a friend who died from it recently (last week) while in Colombia. I believe he was on an ayahuasca retreat with a shaman. I don't know the full details surrounding his death - wether it was due to an allergic reaction, a toxic additive (I have heard rumors of some shamans adding DEET to their brews), or an adverse reaction to the DMT itself. I guess my question is for other tourists interested in ayahuasca retreats, is there a good method for researching and vetting shamans? I imagine there are a few shady ones looking to make a quick buck from foreigners - how can one find a legitimate and trustworthy shaman and avoid my friends' fate (assuming it was due to negligence or toxins)?

Dr_TattyWaffles1 karma

Great answers - thank you!

Dr_TattyWaffles1 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. I'm a freelance after effects guy (mostly motion design, some vfx) and am really impressed by the work you've done - in fact I used some of your work as a style reference in one of my pitches. I guess out of curiosity, I'd like to know how do you decide when to hire a full-time staffer vs hire freelancers on a short-term contract?