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DragonflyRider78 karma

I was just stoped in a public park, after dark, with no signs posted, and harrased for being there after dark. I've been walking my dogs in this park after dark for five years, know most of the officers on the patrol here by name, and face, as well as many of the state and sheriff's office guys. And not once have any of them ever made an issue of me walking my dogs there after dark, much less told me it had open/closed hours.

When I told the officer this he flat out accused me of lying, and told me if he ever found me there again AT ALL he would arrest me. I smiled and nodded and pointed out that it's a bad idea to pull someone over and then silhuette yourself against your own headlights because it makes you a target, and I drove off. I assume he thought it would intimidate me because I couldn't see his face, but in reality all it did was make me sigh and wonder how this idiot ever got hired in the first place.

Then the next day I called the park officials, and asked them to put up a sign about park hours. Then I called his boss, who I know, and told him if I ever had trouble with this officer again it would be on camera, and why. Boss laughed and said he was the sole asshole in the department and he'd deal with it. Since I knew the boss fairly well, I can only hope that our friendship will overcome the urge to back up one's fellow officer and this jackass will at least get an ass chewing.

But I doubt it.

TL:DR : I got a GoPro and so should you all.

DragonflyRider39 karma

I'm a DINFOS grad (1991) and headlines today look nothing like what we were taught to write back in the day. We learned brevity and clarity. Today, thanks to all the space the internet gives for free, they look like books!

DragonflyRider26 karma

They're talking about the muscle burn but people don't understand it and assume any pain is good.

DragonflyRider16 karma

Thanks so much! I thought so but all these years I have wondered. Ray said it to me so much it's stuck in my head like a favorite scent, but I never knew what it meant. He always got a scared little "Hey Ray," back and I'd hide and watch him play pool with my daddy because he was so cool. I swear he was as good looking as Paul Newman, tall and slim and hard, like a cowboy, and just fucking rawboned. And he wore RayBan sunglasses and gave me Juicy Fruit gum. He was always my ideal image of what a cowboy should look like. I'm afraid I got my images a bit mixed as a little kid lol! I'm sure he's still out there somewhere smooth talking the women and chewing Juicy Fruit!

DragonflyRider16 karma

It's literally been forty years or more and that greeting still goes through my head when I see someone I like. The man that said it to me was a huge childhood hero of mine. Thanks so much!