Highest Rated Comments

Dream1n9big65 karma

What is your guilty pleasure movie, from bad 80s to good musicals, is there any film you shamelessly enjoy? ~Karen Thank you for letting us indulge in another AMA with you!

Dream1n9big19 karma

Hi Gilly! Can you give us any updates on Streetcar?! The anticipation is exhausting. ~Shannon Thanks for participating in another AMA! :D

Dream1n9big2 karma

That would be wonderful! Can't wait to visit London to see you in it!! :D

Dream1n9big2 karma

Hi Gilly!! I was wondering if you have a favorite quote, or maybe a mantra you live by? Thank you! :D

Dream1n9big2 karma

Favorite book of all time? Or most recent book you've read? Would you recommend?