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DruncanIdaho39 karma

We have a mapped location on our terminals inside the unit, and I know my area really really well from doing this job for so long.

If it's not vehicle accessible we wing it. Sometimes we have to park far away and walk it. Keep that in mind if you live in an area where cars are parked so tightly a fire truck can't get through: that means we're going to have to manually lay hose a long distance, delaying the fire attack for precious minutes.

DruncanIdaho20 karma

Oof. Yeah idk because we don't have those here. All I can say is use your best judgement. If you have red light cams check your local laws on yielding to emergency traffic through red lights; if the camera sends you a ticket it should be easily appealable but that's a question for your local authorities.

DruncanIdaho19 karma

I can't speak for anybody but myself because I drive according to the "smooth is fast" principle. If I'm hauling ass, there's a really good reason (based on dispatch notes); most calls I'm doing just a little over the speed limit and I always fully stop before going through red lights.

Some operators do drive unnecessarily recklessly, but most departments are clamping down on that behavior.

DruncanIdaho16 karma

Read my post carefully: I'm saying don't move to the shoulder at highway speed. At low speeds absolutely use the shoulder, as I said.

Moving to the left is sometimes necessary because sometimes I need to be in the right lane.

DruncanIdaho16 karma

Honestly, as long as you're out of my way I don't care what you're doing.

But it's probably a dick move to use the space created by other drivers for me, as a way for you to get through the traffic too.