Highest Rated Comments

DubaiCM19 karma

How come the world record for half marathon run on a treadmill (67:29) is slower than the record for one run on a road (58:23)? Surely it would be faster, considering that a treadmill is powered and you don't have to deal with wind-resistance, hills, turns, etc., which you would encounter on the road and which all slow you down.

For example, at the recent Ras Al Khaimah half marathon, eight of the men all finished in under one hour. What's to stop one of these guys hopping on a treadmill tomorrow and blowing the record out of the water?

DubaiCM18 karma

If you want something to drink or eat, just come into the galley, instead of hitting the call bell.

I fly with Emirates all the time and I didn't even know that was allowed, let alone encouraged! TIL.

DubaiCM14 karma

Dubai is fine. It just... doesn't have a culture.

Dubai does have culture, you just need to know where to look! Here are some of my suggestions:

There are even more suggestions in the FAQ at /r/dubai. I agree that Dubai is less cultural than, say, London or Paris but there is stuff out there.

DubaiCM9 karma

We just want you to be alert in case I need to get your ass out not tweeting "Omgggg.. plane crash #yolo"

If that is true, then why are passengers allowed to wear ear plugs and eye masks? That blocks out the outside world much more than using a blackberry. There must be more to it.

DubaiCM9 karma

Girls of Riyadh is a great book but, despite being neighbours, the way women are treated in Saudi and UAE is utterly different.