Highest Rated Comments

ERINycg12 karma

There are pangs of guilt about overly-sexy girls in the games we have worked on in the past at YCG. We didn't want to be necessarily exploitative in her design; we want the Enchantress to stand tall as a badass, just as any of the knights are! Her design is understated; it's just as much about what you do see versus what you don't, it's hard enough being the Enchantress when you're shopping for groceries! I do imagine her dress is rather flashy/neon pink and gravity-defying when her powers get going.

ERINycg5 karma

Alternative designs for each of the Knights sounds like an amazing idea! The stretch goals are not in a particular order as multiplayer is the largest undertaking and (ultimate victory) for our kickstarter. As with good coffee, gender swap mode requires time and effort for a full-bodied and robust venture. This one is pricey because it's art heavy, but it's my personal favorite. There have been many features we would've left on the cutting room floor without the support of fans, so I'm happy to see this feature appearing at all!

ERINycg4 karma

This is amazing! Tears all around! We hope to do the industry right, thank you so much for your support T___T/

ERINycg4 karma

Most of my female friends are not in game development, but that goes for male friends too. That said, women ARE in the industry (see: Manami Matsumae!) and I do have several girlfriends working at all parts of the production! The more the merrier in any case, I definitely invite more to join the fray! For the women in my own life? Well, I've always been a tomboy because of my mom (and dad), and my sister has always been my co-pilot for video games. I've always expected a good match out of her as with anyone on MarioKart B)

ERINycg4 karma

I'll just pick a couple!:

I'm biased because I designed Luna, BUT Luna and T-Rex are the best duo from the Mighty series! Mostly it's just something about that T-Rex... something about that laser eyeball and robot arms, but I feel Luna's design is also very efficient and right. Their story is very much to my liking as well (:

also gogo Shantae!!