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Eaglerufio234 karma

Edit: He answered. Thanks Rob, sorry for the formatting issues.

1) Do you support Gay Marriage? Would you support a bill that made it possible for same sex/trans couples to get married and share the same rights as hetero couples?


2) Do you support adoption by two Gay Parents?


3) Do you view this nation as a Christian Nation? Do you think churches should continue enjoying tax exempt status when they clearly use their money to influence state issues.

I believe the separation of church and state to be absolute.

4) What is your stance on abortion and publicly funded agencies such as Planned Parenthood?

I am pro-choice.

5) If you could only drink one brand/type of liquor for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I'm not much of a liquor drinker, I do however enjoy a good beer. I recommend Spotted Cow.

Eaglerufio26 karma

Can you talk about some of the gear that you use to stay warm/alive in the south pole?

How much time/money does it take to outfit an expedition like this?