Highest Rated Comments

EasternEuropeSlave82 karma

How can a layperson help prepare the situation for your arrival?

EasternEuropeSlave13 karma

Let me just thank you for the inspiration you have brought me with The X-Files, they really influenced my childhood.

How did you end up in the entertainment/film industry, did you plan to be a producer or something similar?

EasternEuropeSlave5 karma

Now that is just amazing. I will use you as a refference when somebody tells me all pornstars are just brainless bimbos.

EasternEuropeSlave3 karma

Hey there, thanks for doing this AMA :)

I have insomnia, would you like to trade?

EasternEuropeSlave2 karma

Great, now my girlfriend won't have the right to bitch when I come home and sleep. If I had one.