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EightTh66 karma

I'd assume that has to do with what kind of shows get views here in america vs in the UK. Here, with shows like Jersey Shore, that ballerina one and all these other reality tv shows where people start fighting first chance they get, it creates a different audience for reality TV in america vs elsewhere.

For example: In spanish tv, everything is very romance and god-heavy, while here it's more about he said - she said.

EightTh2 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA. I love your voice.

EightTh1 karma

It depends on their personality, but usually a deep baritone voice and confidence is what's the most attractive. Along with any form of accent that's intriguing to listen to. My current boyfriend fits all of that, and has a really hilarious jersey accent. Which is adorable, i always make him repeat himself when he says cawfee. But your normal voice is super great!

I know that with the training you must have put yourself through, you can do a lot of dialects/accents, but where were you raised? (that usually dictates your original dialect) ((If you're comfortable answering, that is.))

EightTh1 karma

Please marry me. I have the biggest thing for voices. edit: and even your "normal" voice is beautiful!

EightTh1 karma

It's super awesome! I have a weird hybrid spanish and southern twang that i got from living 8 years in North Carolina. So I pronounce my vowels the spanish way but i say Y'all a lot and have the singsongyness of the south. THAT's embarrasing.