Highest Rated Comments

Elcamo12393 karma

Do you drive around in a gold lambo that runs on diamonds?

With that joke aside, what is high school like for you? I imagine you must be a pretty popular fellow.

Elcamo1235 karma

Will Sam ever get Mental?

Elcamo1232 karma

I loved Iron Sky. Excellent movie!

Nazi's from the moon... how did you come up with that? That's a really "out there" idea. Also, what is going on with the sequel in terms of story?

EDIT: None of my friends heard about it. I have to show it to them. When they ask what it is I compare it to Mars Attacks but instead of mars it's the moon and instead of martians it's nazis.

Elcamo1232 karma

And that's all I can ever ask for! Thanks for the answer!

Elcamo1232 karma

How often have you sink the 8 on the break? If I am not mistaken, this is an instant win.