Highest Rated Comments

Eloth33 karma

you are learning marital arts

well I haven't played shenmue, but this sounds like my kind of dating sim.

Eloth2 karma

Do you have a favourite colour?

Eloth2 karma

Iron Sky was an awesome movie. Can't wait for more...

This is meant to be a question, isn't it?

Eloth2 karma

But seriously, Iron Sky is my kind of go-to movie to watch on a night with mates. It's the perfect blend of comedy, action, and general not-taking-itself too seriously -- but it also makes a statement as well. It's just so good! Even the concept of the film is hilarious...

Although, after having watched Iron Sky and Død Snø in succession my friends are starting to think I have a thing for films that involve unexpected nazis...

Eloth2 karma

But yes compared to Rovers.


Don't you think it means a Rover - which had reputations as being fairly crappy British regular cars - not their sub brands Range Rover or Land Rover?