Highest Rated Comments

Enk1ndle252 karma

Join your local credit union guys

Enk1ndle132 karma

Stockpiling preventative supplies like masks, gloves,

Not this. It's taking the supplies from people who actually need them like doctors, nurses and immune compromised people. They aren't doing you any real good anyways.

Sanitizers? Or PSAs for hygiene to reduce transmission rates?

Don't "stockpile" but yes, hygiene is the big thing right now. Wash your hands extra, don't touch your face, don't share drinks, etc etc.

Enk1ndle17 karma

It's more of a donation with a small gift

Enk1ndle9 karma

We deserve it tbh

Enk1ndle9 karma

Except these same users who don't care about the actual article and just want to hate on it will upvote other crappy reviews because they agree with them.

I suppose you could use the same inner user score to affect how much an "upvote" to someone is worth too, then people who make bad reviews can't just upvote other people who make bad reviews.