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EojMuttat6 karma


There has been a bit of a debate recently on whether going to a film school is really worth it? People seem to say that you can just go straight into the industry and work your way up from there... What is your opinion on this?

Second question & a little bit of a cheeky one, do you ever do guest lecturing or something similar? I know lots of people including myself would love to hear your stories and advice!

And lastly, do you ever or have you ever thought "shit, I've made the wrong career move!"?


EojMuttat2 karma

Thankyou for answering this, but can I be rude and just ask another?

What is your opinion on the state of film schools within the UK? I'm currently attending one but I get the sense that it's too late and I've wasted my money. How did the both of you start out?

Great advice for people thinking about joining a film school! Thankyou once again.

EojMuttat1 karma

Thanks once again. I have a lot of things to think about... Even though the school itself is highly rated, I just don't feel like they're giving all they could & creating shorts without any equipment myself is next to impossible.

Have a good day!

EojMuttat1 karma

With workshops, we have an extensive amount of equipment but just when it comes to taking it out of the school, it becomes difficult.

Helpful AMA for myself. Tar very much!

EojMuttat0 karma

They're very reluctant to do so mainly because a lot of students don't look after the equipment properly. Often we will go to see what is available & all they will have is some gel's and a C-stand.