Highest Rated Comments

ErruhGnomeSane20 karma

First of all, thank you guys for teaching me how to spell the word "computer", among many other wonderful things you did for my childhood!

  1. I remember every time I played Space Quest 3 I would eat so much fast food that I would vomit. Every. Time. What was your favorite little "easter egg" from the series?

  2. The story behind Astro Chicken, can we have it? What inspired the game?


ErruhGnomeSane2 karma

  1. What are your top three favorite exercises?

  2. I recently with a friend did 3 months of the Strong Lifts program and loved it. What is your favorite program you've used?

  3. Do the protein shakes/muscle gain powders actually help you build muscle?

  4. How much ya benchin?

Thanks for the AMA! Sweet gym