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Ervin_Pepper488 karma

Wait, are you saying that the final version of Playtest ISN'T the Nightmare Mode?

Ervin_Pepper17 karma

I just wanted to add that the while direct artist -> audience thing is probably why i enjoy your stuff so much. You write things that people connect to because they're clearly the work of one person and one brain, and not art by committee. And so many of your comics are about what it's like to just be a fucking person, and about individuals trying to make a connection with each other, like the best parts of Community, or Bojack Horseman, or David Foster Wallace if he were even more incapable of not writing walls of text. So yeah. Thanks

Ervin_Pepper7 karma

Hey Winston good to see you doing another ama. I've always enjoyed your use of space in your comics, the way things aren't always a strict left to right reading, the way readers sometimes have to hunt to find what next to read, or the way narratives can overlap. It reminds me of Mark Z Danielewski, what he refers to as signiconic. Are there any artists or writers that you took inspiration from that you would recommend, or are there any other comics that utilise space unique ways that you would suggest I check out?

Ervin_Pepper3 karma

There's a lot of clickbait on cracked these days. I still see good articles on there sometimes and it's far from the worst place on the internet, but there's a sense that's they've given in to clickbait culture in a way that annoys a lot of people