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EstroJen46 karma

I live in California and during an extreme drought, our aquifers were so depleted that some of the ground collapsed. It's been happening over a long time.

I live in a neighborhood where all the backyards are paved and people pave over their front yards to have more parking. If you pave everything, the small amount of rain we get isn't going to get down into the ground where it needs to be to refill the aquifers.

EstroJen14 karma

You could put a roll of quarters in there. Bus fare!

EstroJen6 karma

I just downloaded the app and I love it so far! Just one question: is there a way to set up multiple gardens in the app? I have my own home garden, but my employers are letting me build a veggie garden behind our office building. Can I set up two different gardens to keep track of their needs?

EstroJen5 karma

Are you attached to the bag 24/7 (I'm assuming you are)? If so, how do they attach it to you? Do you sort of strap it over your shoulder like a purse? I also saw that you said you were married. How does the bag affect sexy time?

All serious questions. Really. :)

EstroJen5 karma

I'm with you, OP is a dumbass.