Highest Rated Comments

Evolved_Dojo733 karma

Well, that's the most badass thing I've read today. Serious question though, why? Was it worth it? What did you learn about yourself along the way?

I can only imagine that is a true test of so many human skills.

Evolved_Dojo239 karma

Beautiful! I'm probably going to butcher this quote, but it always resonated with me. It's from the movie "into the wild".

"I believe that every man, should test himself, at least once, in the most ancient of human conditions" -Alexander Supertramp aka Chris McCandless

Anyway, keep inspiring people!!! I'm glad you made it in one piece. Live your best life!

Evolved_Dojo13 karma

Hmmmm, yup, it had to be the near miss at another few decades of war and billions of dollars not spent in the middle East.

Evolved_Dojo2 karma

Did some digging. I was thinking of Opportunity, and it turns out it's last message was a data dump which someone turned into the poetic quote "My battery is low and it's getting dark."

Evolved_Dojo2 karma

Wait curiosity is back online? Last I remember was the super depressing message that it was dark and power was failing.i think from debris on the solar panels.