Highest Rated Comments

ExultantSandwich90 karma

Guys!! come on we need to know

ExultantSandwich64 karma

Virginia Tech is always ranked Top 10 in the country when it comes to student dining. I don't know how long they've been top 10, but it's been quite a while now.

But reading some of this, I go to a school that was ranked in the high teens this past year, and Virginia Tech feels way further ahead. We didn't have anything like a full blown sit down hibachi restaurant. That's really cool

ExultantSandwich28 karma

Funny Story, in 3rd Grade I learned how to sew. I really wanted to make my mom a big luxurious dress, I saved up my money and got some fabric. I dig into the project and hell no. I can sew, but not stuff like this!

TL;DR My mom got a pillowcase for Christmas

ExultantSandwich6 karma

Okay guys lets get back to Rampart

ExultantSandwich2 karma

Why are we interested in what a random 4 year old has to say?