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Fabien4262 karma

Usually their face is in a database from another property.

I assume you share data between casinos that are owned by the same company. But, do you also share such data between companies?

Fabien4192 karma

Somehow they remind me of horses: nicest critters in the world, but when they fight/play, it's pretty darn impressive.

Fabien4192 karma

Finally, I personally believe that DRMs are doomed by definition. I'm sure that some astute add-on developer will be able to produce an add-on that short circuits any protection scheme cooked up at the w3c.

Isn't that a good reason to implement them? Hollywood is happy because they think they have control, and users are happy because they get de-encumbered videos. (And by the time the old guys at Hollywood realize it doesn't work, sometime around 2035, the system will be already obsolete anyway.)

Fabien419 karma

A more friendly interface for customizing the browser. Part of the drive behind Australis is lowering the barrier-to-entry for browser UI customization. We want people to customize the browser and make it their own, and we're trying to make it easier for more users to do this.

That's some good news, and the first time I hear that.

That means, Australis should make it pretty easy for me to have my Firefox look like this, right?

Fabien417 karma

I assume that you have access to the highest version of your own software, "Enterprise", and that's what you used.

If you had to buy a licence of Apportable Enterprise for each programmer on the Biophilia project, plus the programmers' salaries, would it have cost less than the £375,000?

(Really, when I see "Contact Us" instead of a clear price, I read it as "Don't bother contacting us, you can't afford it anyway.")