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FactsBeatOpinions6 karma

Please know, that no matter what you are told, or what the tear gas cannisters say on them... Every American I know wishes we could riot with you. We want you to succeed, and we wish we could do more to help you.

Know that my heart is with you, and my friends' hearts are with you, and that we want you to succeed as brothers in humanity. There is nothing greater than fighting for freedom from oppression, and many in the USA feel oppressed by our government in many ways.

Many Americans only wish we could have the solidarity and courage that the Egyptians are showing to the world right now.

Be strong. Fight fearlessly. Strategize. The will of one man is more powerful than a thousand years of tyrany.

FactsBeatOpinions3 karma

Ari! I bought your special and my gf and I nearly died laughing. It came at a time when I really needed it. So, thank you man.

How did you survive in the beginning? Did you have some help from family? Did you bum on couches? Did you ever feel guilty while chasing your dream, while still getting help from others? If so, how did you deal with that and keep your headspace positive?

I'm just curious, because so many comedians talk about what it was like to be broke, then what it was like to be successful... but not a whole lot about the emotional rollercoaster and second guessing of the self that happens in between... Like, how many nights did you ask yourself what the fuck you were doing... and what allowed you to fight that down, hone your craft, and make it to the finish line?

You're funny as fuck dude. Keep being awesome. :)