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Facultus9914 karma

Springboro, OH resident here. We have a school board intent on introducing creationism and have enlisted the Liberty Institute to assist them with legal issues. In dealing with school boards what have you found is the most effective tactit in getting them to drop the introduction. The school board also is trying to get courses from the Institute of the Constitution introduced to the students. Any experience with them? Edit: Added link http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/12/secessionists-were-going-to-teach-constitution-class-at-ohio-high-school/

Facultus994 karma

How do we sue and pay for it? Any orgs out there available to help?

Facultus991 karma

How do you go about suing a school board without the ACLU doing it? Are there any organizations available to help pay for the lawsuit or do it themselves?

Facultus991 karma

Little League baseball coach here. At what age do you think it's appropriate for kids to start throwing breaking balls?

Facultus991 karma

Who SHOULD be a celebrity chef but decided they would rather stay in their own/kitchen restaurant and continue making great dishes?