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FalloutLoneWanderer2379 karma

Have you ever been confronted by any halocaust-deniers? How did you handle the experience/people?

Thank you for sharing your story.

FalloutLoneWanderer626 karma

Hello. Did you suffer from any PTSD or any traumatic stress symptoms between the time you returned to sea or even after you returned to sea?

FalloutLoneWanderer83 karma

Thanks so much for the reply sir

FalloutLoneWanderer83 karma

How/when did you find out that you had come into contact with flights 11 and 175 earlier that day and they were the aircraft that were involved in the attacks? What did you feel/think in that moment of realization?

FalloutLoneWanderer13 karma

While the movie continues to be popular, the media paints a picture of you butting heads with your crew on the Maersk during that incident? Do you feel that was a fair representation of your relationship with most of your Maersk crew? do you have any maersk crewmates in real life that supported your actions then and continue to support them now?