Highest Rated Comments

FearOfTheDock791 karma

Okay, THIS is the best answer in this AMA.

I hope you do this again Chris. Peace sir.

FearOfTheDock206 karma

This is the best answer in this AMA.

FearOfTheDock89 karma

I would easily pay $15.00 just to walk around a fully restored Rapture. No enemies, no story, just let me explore a working Rapture! Give me this mode!

FearOfTheDock3 karma

I've heard that even if they don't fund you, they own 5% of your product forever just for appearing on the show. True?

FearOfTheDock3 karma

Wow. Hi Chris. Thank you for your public service.

If you could go back and change one thing about the O.J. trial, that didn't involve the glove, what do you think that would be?