Highest Rated Comments

Feldoth135 karma

Let me just say that Tyranny is excellent and I played it back to back 3 times through - it may be short but it's so full of diverging paths and options that it's easy to see why. I look forward to any sort of follow up, and have no problems with it if you make it episodic or whatever so long as the storytelling quality remains the same (or better!).

Despite loving Tyranny PoE has never been able to hold my attention - though I am not entirely sure why (I'm trying to force myself through it now because PoE II sounds interesting and because I loved Tyranny so much, but this is like my 5th attempt).

Feldoth38 karma

This is really good to hear, that aspect of skills has always bugged me. What about people simply acting differently if you have a high skill in (for example) intimidate? Rather than giving you specific "intimidate" dialog choices the NPCs just react to you as though you are intimidating.

Feldoth35 karma

Having you guys on skype for the speed run of BBT at AGDQ made it one of the most entertaining things I've seen in recent memory, the on-the-fly narration Will does at some points is hilarious.

Link for the curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDx1FTQBcMM

Feldoth25 karma

I think it's a matter of where you start from - if you're intimidating you'd have to choose non-intimidating dialog options to make the person comfortable enough to talk to you normally (if the person has a nervous temperament this would be difficult). Sort of the inverse of someone with low intimidation talking up their intimidation factor by choosing intimidating responses. This seems more intuitive to me, but might be more difficult to implement than it's worth.

Feldoth21 karma

I did think it funny that the zombies and skeletons at the start of PS:T were actually numbered.