Highest Rated Comments

FergusonDarling3 karma

In a previous post it says you "work with adventures full time." I'm not sure if I follow you, but it sounds EXCELLENT! What does it take to do this as a profession?

FergusonDarling3 karma

The god of tits and wine! I've never been so excited for an AMA. Thanks for doing this, Peter!

1) The book version of Tyrion Lannister is portrayed physically like a demon monkey (mismatched eyes, peculiar scarring). Do you feel that your portrayal of such a disfigured character lacks at all? Was there any discussion in taking your... season 2 battle wounds a step further?

2) Has GRRM given you any hints as to what happens to you at the end of the story? No need for details, just interested to see if you know what happens to my favorite character in the books.

3) Your delivery is impeccible. I loved you in Find Me Guilty and Narnia - but hot DAMN can you play a mean Tyrion! Love your work, man.

FergusonDarling1 karma

Do you know who I am?