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Fiddlestax16 karma

I’m not sure that social credit is going to be an easy sell (you are going to get hammered for it!), regardless of its merits. Black Mirror and China’s version will make it toxic by association. As much as I like the idea, I do hope that you reconsider campaigning on it. Maybe something for the second term.

Fiddlestax2 karma

Thanks, my girlfriend and I love seeing candidates that share our concerns for our nation’s future. I try to talk to people about this kind of stuff, but they look at me like I’m some sort of Luddite! It’s good to see someone taking this seriously.

Fiddlestax2 karma

Hello Mr. Yang. I’ve read through your platform and believe that you are the candidate that best grasps the importance of the coming transition. Unfortunately, given the natural tendency of wealth to concentrate(as demonstrated by Thomas Pikkety), the acceleration of that force by full/expanded automation, and the corrupt — thanks to citizens united and misguided laws — nature of our campaign finance system, I don’t think that we will have many fair election left if we don’t take action.

How can we help?

I’ve signed up on your website, followed you on Facebook, and the like, but I haven’t seen any method of helping that doesn’t qualify as “slactivism”. I can understand that you might not want to really gear up the campaign till after the midterms, but i don’t feel like there are enough ways to help your campaign at this point.

It is critical that we address these problems immediately. i would like to be able to help, but I don’t know how.

Fiddlestax2 karma

Libertarians tend to be the ones that suggest gutting welfare and replacing it with UBIs. Obviously, there would be some programs that might not be necessary, but those that target specific problems(CHIP, for instance) will still be necessary.

You guys are already trialing UBI(in Ontario)!


Pretty cool stuff!

Fiddlestax1 karma

UBI is something that many libertarians that aren’t actually anarchocaps support.

I don’t think that libertarian ideals are a very good way to structure a society, especially given the tendency of wealth(and power) to concentrate in few hands.