Highest Rated Comments

Fifthwiel6 karma

He grows old, he grows old, he shall wear the bottoms of his trousers rolled...

Fifthwiel2 karma

I wasnt having a go at you man, just a bit of fun :)

Fifthwiel1 karma

Screenplays are difficult to write, it's all structure and the story needs to fit around that structure, it's also hard to "show not tell" and create the drama you want with just visual cues and dialogue rather than a paragraph or two of prose. It took 3 years to give birth to my screenplay, working around a full time job and a family but it's finished.

In some ways prose is easier I think but I'm conscious of the discipline that still exists around the storyline and trimming out any superfluous sections. I think I might be able to source a copywriter or two who may be interested in the editing work - that bit is great advice for sure.

Self-publishing seems like a good option to me...

Thanks again for your kind words.

Fifthwiel1 karma

Thanks for the expansive reply - would you recommend paying for an editor? Did you release as a short story first or just self publish the entire novel?

Previously I've worked on a screenplay(that's now finished) but I love sci-fi and tbh writing prose feels a bit like a break from the scripwriting so I'm committed to finishing this book now.

Fifthwiel1 karma

scuttling across the floors of silent seas?