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FishEyedFool189 karma

Yea answer this one, they're always good. While we wait I'll tell you a story. I have a.. uhh... friend that works in the DOC. Its not me. So this friend was talking to a nurse and asked the same question. She said she had seen a lot but at the moment the only thing she could recall was an inmate who swallowed a tattoo gun.

So to avoid the shake downs and being caught with contraband, every night before bed this dude would take a glove and wrap up his gun and swallow it. Keep in mind this isn't a high tech full size gun. Just a motor from a Walkman or something. Not sure how the needle situation worked with that. Reason was because shake downs were commonly happening in the late night or early morning hours and he would have no time to try and hide it properly. When asked how he got caught she said that apparently they had wised up to that type of stuff and began wanding them during the process. Of course it was game over then. She asked him didn't it hurt and he said "...well yea, but after a while I got used to it". So she asked him then didn't he know the damage he was doing to his body or the danger he was putting himself in and he replied "its how I pay for the things I need. I don't have any family or anyone on the outside to send me money".

The canteen is what keeps them sane. No money to buy stuff means no contact with some of the things that keep you feeling human. So he traded prison tats for canteen items and thus kept his sanity.

FishEyedFool79 karma

the cell phone shit still amazes me. a simple signal jammer could elimate the need for that. not like the employees even get to bring in a cell phone so who are you depriving? the 10 or so big shots that get to carry one?

i don't know why the inmates want cell phones anyway. they all get shitty service >:)

FishEyedFool57 karma

don't forget all the flavors of hepatitis