Highest Rated Comments

FlaccidExplosion96 karma

I was really hoping he would say Windows Mobile.

FlaccidExplosion50 karma

I haven't researched this yet so pardon my ignorance, but how would I go about migrating a flaccidexplosion1@hotmail.com email address to a flaccidexplosion2@outlook.com email address, and bring EVERYTHING over with me to use outlook.com? Is that possible?

FlaccidExplosion26 karma

I'm not on drugs, have no addiction, and have been clean my whole life. When are we doing this? Username isn't indicative of real world experience.

FlaccidExplosion14 karma

The scenes on the show where you are "negotiating" prices with people feel so forced and scripted. Most of the time it seems to go like this:

  • Buyer: I'll buy for $X.
  • You: That's too low, how about <some super high price>?
  • Buyer: That's too much, how about $X?
  • You: You trying to steal from me? I'd be losing money with that price, man.
  • Buyer: I'll give you $X.
  • You: Ok I'll come down to $X. (usually about in the middle of the two original numbers)

EVERY single one seems to play out like that. How much of that crap is actually real?

FlaccidExplosion6 karma

Which ones?