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FlashinMyN00bies143 karma

Little shit.

FlashinMyN00bies34 karma

Very frequently. I'd say 1 out of 5 calls we get are butt-dials, which can be funny though. And children who are just learning what 9-1-1 is call pranking a lot, pretending to gag, then giggling. Don't laugh so much when the officer turns up at their door though.

FlashinMyN00bies34 karma

Not really, mostly because all of our calls are recorded and monitored. Once my co-worker told the kid to put his parent on the line because he was Santa... actually worked. Once I had a butt-dial where some guy was yelling at his girlfriend about cats, all about how she cared more about the cats than him and he didn't give a shit about damn cats. When I called back I asked if the cats were all okay. ...not much but I thought it was funny.

FlashinMyN00bies31 karma

When I was still in my probationary period, a man called in the wee hours of the morning, advised there was a robot ghost in his apartment with a knife to his throat. He said he was familiar with this ghost because he routinely spits in his coffee and turns off his heat. He called back shortly after to apologize, said it wasn't the ghost, he thinks he has a thyroid problem or throat cancer causing the pain in his throat. He then called a third and final time advising that he has bad teeth and the ghost punched one out and it lodged in his throat and that is where the pain was coming from and he would go get help in the morning.

FlashinMyN00bies31 karma

The strangest one i just replied to the previous comment, but once had a few calls from a female that isn't a stranger to 9-1-1. Said she is hiding in her room because "they," are in her living room. She never said who these people were, just that they were moving their chains and closing all of her cabinets. Said it also sounded like they were throwing bodies up against the walls. Sweet lady though, stayed on the line and chatted with me until she saw the flashing lights outside. Said her boyfriend didn't do anything to stop, "them," and she thinks she is going to have to let him go because they argue a lot and she already has him sleeping on the floor because he wets the bed.

Serious plot twist, when officers got there, she was the only one there.