Highest Rated Comments

FlipprDolphin4 karma

My wife's birthday is next week. What should I cook that isn't too difficult?

FlipprDolphin2 karma

2 years? you have not seen anything.

Worked at movie theatres for around 10 years and 2 different locations (NJ and Miami). Went from regular employee to manager

Here are somethings i am sure you have not seen that I have:

1) Inside job theft on our vault

2) Rat infestation in concession and inside theaters

3) Stabbing (during pineapple express)

4) A manhunt for an escaped prisoner and we had to shut down our theatre

And I am sure a ton of other things.

FlipprDolphin2 karma

Do you have a photo without makeup? Just regular every day Kenna?

FlipprDolphin1 karma

I only know one other Clarissa. Are you able to explain it all like her?

FlipprDolphin1 karma

yum, thanks for the answer! Maybe i can try chicken. We are eating Salmon tonight on the grill (first time trying it like that). Never heard of gratin, but you make it sound great!

Thanks for the tip chef!