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FlowHive9 karma

We hope no one needs to burn the Flow Frames!

The two options are irradiation and chemical treatments.

We will have detailed instructions on how to sterilise your frames for American foul brood in the manual that will be provided with the frames.

FlowHive7 karma

Cedar: We will look after our amazing supporters as best we can… we don’t have a formal warranty in place for this initial crowdfunding stage of Flow™. We are committed to delivering the best possible product and support.

We have designed the frames so every single part is replaceable, and will have replacements available (we haven’t had any parts break and need replacing the past 3 years of field testing).

FlowHive6 karma

Cedar: The Flow™ frames are made from high quality, food-grade, BPA-free plastic. Its very important to us that the plastic is the very best available, its important to note that plastic has been used in beehive frames for the past 20 years.

FlowHive6 karma

Cedar: Yes definitely, its great to see a community of beekeepers growing around this. Our rough estimates are that 50% of our contributors are new beekeepers and 50% existing beekeepers.

Its been very interesting having the feedback from the sceptics, its a new paradigm for beekeepers (I suppose like the Langstroth was 150 years ago) and we don’t expect people to change overnight. People are free to keep bees any way they like.

Its been heartening to hear responses from people who aren't physically able to harvest honey in the traditional way anymore and now are excited they can still enjoy harvesting honey for many more years.

FlowHive5 karma

Stu: Yes we tested in the US, principally with Michael Bush. The bees take to the Flow matrix readily. The Flow frames are designed to split the lower part of the cells while the upper, capped area hardly moves. We have not experimented much with using two Flow supers and think that this applies for very large colonies with big nectar flows. No, the bees cannot get to the ‘crank’ area. They will use propolis to glue the frames to the box, like they do in all hives however they do not use propolis in or on the comb itself.