Highest Rated Comments

FlyingBasset1029 karma

Wow great response. I would think it's a difficult position to represent sometimes as you can be demonized by both blacks and whites alike who resent your success/ education/ etc. for different reasons.

I think your character on 30 Rock was a great complement to the show.

One of my favorite scenes ever is when you meet Tracy and have the exchange:

Toofer : I'm doing good.

Tracy : Unh-unh. Superman does good. You're doing well. You need to study your grammar, son.

I think it really humanized your character and set a tone for the rest of the series.

FlyingBasset14 karma

Actually most places I have been in Europe you have to PAY to use the public toilets (which is never the case in the US). So I'm not sure about your claim there...

FlyingBasset5 karma

Unless all the devs over in the US are becoming filthy rich off of their salaries.

As someone who has a team of developers... yes they are. And all of them work remote, so they can live wherever they want to. America has many places with a very low COL.

FlyingBasset1 karma

That isn't true for the vast majority of people in the US. My maximum cost for healthcare per year in a worst case scenario is $3500. But as always, people like to make judgements about countries based on anecdotal information.

FlyingBasset1 karma

Not many stop by Reagan National? What? I would think it is the default airport for the DC area, or at least for myself and everyone I know.