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ForTheHordeKT159 karma

I know where you were coming from though when you didn't press charges. My biological father molested me when I was a toddler. My mother fought huge custody battles in court to keep him from me and I'm glad our whole family rallied around us to make sure I never had to see him again. One of my aunts in the 80s was one of those hardcore punk rocker chicks and while she looks a little more formal these days, she hasn't lost her blunt in your face mannerisms LOL. She would run into this fucker at a store somewhere and loudly be all "Sicko! Freak! Fucking child rapist! You are a sick fuck! Sick fuck!" And just publicly shame him into leaving for his car any time she ran into him anywhere. My grandfather took an even crazier turn. He was one of those angry redneck Texan types you really don't want to piss off. He drove around with a few guns in his van and if he ran into him, he was dead set on killing the motherfucker until one of the neighbors at the business they ran out of that industrial lot called the cops on him because he didn't want to see him ruin his life murdering the fucker. But damn, I can honestly say I had someone willing to kill a motherfucker for me at one point. There were plans in place to run off with me out of state with some other family members if the custody battles didn't go well, but luckily he lost his visitation rights and I've never had to see this son of a bitch again. Last form of contact I ever got was maybe 15 years ago or so, some random document was mailed to me. Apparently he changed his will in order to specifically call me out as not being a beneficiary of anything despite being his son. Fine by me, I don't want any of his shit. Just continue to fuck off and stay out of my life, or else I'll curb stomp your goddamn head in the second I see you.

But we decided when I was that young (about 3 years old when it happened) that we didn't want to pursue him criminally at that time and dredge it all up and put me through that. I've largely put it all behind me now and rarely really even think about it until I run across the topic, to be honest. And it still pisses me off in one way, yet in another it was so far back in my childhood and I've moved on and done so much since then that I'm also past it. So I can at least offer that much solace to you. Do what you need to do to get your closure and resolve it for yourself. I guess for me and my family, our big win was just getting my biological father's visitation and custody rights taken away from him so he could no longer even be a part of my life. I think you might have it a little harder than me, I mean I was so young and you were a lot older in your incident. But, I can at least offer you that there will come a day when you find for the most part life goes on and you're able to keep on keeping on and this won't even really come up to haunt you until the topic gets brought up, if that helps.

ForTheHordeKT7 karma

Ug...diesel is the worst. That shit stays forever till it's cleaned up. Actually the worst stuff I've dealt with is the diesel additive for those winter blends. You know the stuff, thick as honey and when it dries up it gives the whole ground that spilled soda movie theater kind of feel. Only stuff that even gets it up is just more gas. Avgas was the best stuff to use when I used to work with it. Not the jet fuel, the blue stuff that prop planes and helicopters run. Evaporates faster than anything I've seen, and it really cut into that thick sticky diesel additive crap. Dump some on the spill, scrub with a deck brush, and use those white pads to soak it up or else you'll still end up with a ring stain of the crap left behind if you let it dry on its own.

ForTheHordeKT6 karma

Retain, they call it. There's always a bit left in the pipeline on those trucks because sometimes the only angle for them to get in to their offload spot might have them facing a direction where they're not on a flat, even grade. So they might have parked where the ground tilts them back, or forward, or maybe the ground in that offloading spot makes the truck lean to a certain side. So not all of the piping leading out of the trailer compartments will fully drain until they get back to the yard and park on more flat land where it can be emptied out better.

Where I used to work I know for a fact certain drivers were filling up their own gas cans with their "retain", since they typically had to empty out that retain one way or another and offload it to a designated spot to make sure the tanker was empty once they returned to their home yard. This was regarded as stealing though and was a big "no-no". Many drivers didn't want to risk getting caught, or didn't feel it was worth the potential mess. But the ones that didn't give a shit, definitely did this. There were other drivers that would change the little sign indicators at each compartment just to fuck up the ones that might decide to drain the retain from a trailer they just got done hauling. So they'd just get done hauling diesel, flip the little sign thingy above that compartment hold to one of the regular gas labels, and then another driver might come to their truck in the yard and drain out what they thought was gas only to get diesel and fuck up their vehicle with lol. Kind of dickheaded, but was another way to deter thieves from siphoning off retain.

ForTheHordeKT6 karma

There's many ways to deal with a spill. Like OP already responded, most regular gas in very small quantities, just let the stuff dry and evaporate. But, they have these white pads designed to only soak up carbon-based liquids like gas and oil. They're actually cool as hell. If you dump water on them, you'll watch the water just bounce right off and these pads will stay completely dry. But use them to blot of gas or oil and they soak it right up! We usually use those in this industry. Or good ol' floor dry kitty litter style absorbent to dump, spread, and sweep back up.

But the general rule is typically if the spill is over 25 gallons, you call in someone to clean it up. But that's actually a pretty big spill. Most spills are only a few gallons and pretty small, and they might look bigger on the ground than they really are. If you have a 5 gallon bucket at home, or even smaller, fill that sucker up with water and dump it on the pavement. You'd be surprised at the area even just 5 gallons will cover.

ForTheHordeKT5 karma

Won't argue the truth of that. But being in a victim's shoes and having a good idea of where they are at mentally and emotionally after such a thing. I can understand why someone wouldn't. I think a lot of whether you do or not also can bank heavily on how much support you'll have from those around you. But also, whatever your wishes are as the victim are ought to be respected.