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FortunateMammal326 karma

How did they deal with beginning to treat the liberated prisoners? Was it difficult to get them to trust you after what they had been through?

FortunateMammal10 karma

No question here, just good vibes. My cousin has been HIV+ for five years and is fine. All the best, man; your prognosis is good. :)

FortunateMammal2 karma

Did you interview anyone older who met their partner young and if so, how did they feel about it? I'm curious as someone who started dating their partner at 16 and will soon be celebrating our tenth anniversary.

FortunateMammal1 karma

What can you do to help keep people with poor memory happily entertained? My partner's grandmother is a good fifteen years older than his grandfather, and has what has apparently been termed "severe memory loss." Partner and I try to keep her busy so that his grandfather can have an hour to play a computer game or some such without her sitting beside him and trying to get his attention, but she won't usually stay. She hates it when he naps, unless she is going to nap as well. She's a sweet lady, not at all combative, but it must get tiresome. All I've found to do is leave the dishes undone when I cook a meal - she insists I shouldn't have to cook and do the dishes, and she actually seems quite content while doing them.

FortunateMammal1 karma

How so? Not trying to be a prick, but I honestly would like to know, in what manner?