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Fredisded35 karma

What country are you in? What prompted you to do this?


Fredisded2 karma

I'm still hopeful he'll address some aspect of his faith being that he's the only Muslim in Congress. Do you think that one's beliefs don't inform one's decisions? If we're talking about fixing potholes then it's easy to do but what about the many, many social issues that are legislated? Reproductive rights? Religious persecution? Gay marriage? I would love to believe that our elected representatives purely do the will of the people but the aren't robots, they are individuals who make decisions based on, among other things, their beliefs.

Fredisded2 karma

Hello, Congressman Ellison and thanks for doing an AMA. As the only practicing Muslim in the US Congress can you speak to your views on Sharia law? There is considerable scrutiny of "Christian Values" and it would be good to hear about Muslim Values as well. Specifically how Islam views women and homosexuals. I understand that you support the separation of church and state but I am very interested in your personal beliefs on these topics and maybe more generally whether you believe there is any role for Sharia in a Democracy. Thanks for your service.