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Frostiken288 karma

Holy shit, wait, you were the voice of Ramon?

How did I not notice this?

Frostiken215 karma

So if me and 499 friends want to make a movie about how environmentalism is a plot by Mexican Jew-Lizards to turn our children gay, and we pool our money together under a corporation to manage it, we shouldn't be allowed to make our movie... but the singular guy who has as much money as 500 people can?

This also nicely coincides with the reason why corporations have civil rights.

Frostiken215 karma

My favorite Rich Hall moment was six years after the A-series piece in episode 2 about Cruithne, Earths "second moon", Rich Hall brought it back up sarcastically to Steven Fry.

"Don't tell 'em I'm fuckin' weird, I'm doing my best to sweat along with this program that gives no fuckin' cars when you get points, and now you're telling them I'm weird. I'm not the one who's telling people there's a second moon."

Frostiken175 karma

"They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamber."


Frostiken134 karma

because the 2nd already has vastly more support and resources from other groups. the ACLU can do more good supporting the unsupported amendments.

I agree with this, but at the same time I think he's missing the point.

The ACLU is classically a very 'left' point of view, and I think more than a number of people generally use the ACLU as a compass for their political viewpoints. People are lazy and impressionable after all.

The ACLU doesn't need to spend money fighting court battles over the second amendment, but they should come out in favor of it. It is still a constitutional freedom and it is still an individual right, and it is still under constant threat by politicians who want to do anything up to and including complete forced disarmament.

The ACLU, by ignoring the second amendment, are basically giving tacit approval to Democrat politicians and voters that it's okay to pretend that the secondment (I keep writing that instead of second amendment, and apparently it actually is a word? I'm leaving it because fuck words) doesn't exist, that the framers did really good on the other 9 amendments in the bill of rights, but they wrote that one on a Friday and kind of phoned it in.

The ACLU has a lot of political sway, and if they came out against the government and politicans trying to dismantle the second amendment they could actually cause these politicians who are drafting bills, such as this one, to think twice and not only quit wasting everyone's time, but actually respect their constituents.

I'm okay with the ACLU not spending their money on it, but I'm not okay with the fact that their silence is just a way for the left to confirm that they're 'correct' in their opinion that the secondment is some horrible evil thing that needs to be controlled.