Highest Rated Comments

Frosty_Yaks160 karma

Maybe I read your post the wrong way, but it seems like you've experienced at least a little bit of the hearing world. With that in mind, what do you "hear" when you're deaf? That probably sounds like a stupid question, but I was just wondering if it is just complete nothing or maybe some faint ringing in the ears or maybe hearing something vibrate on your body. Unrelated to my question: have a great day! I hope the deaf community becomes more supportive of bilateral cochlear implants.

Frosty_Yaks94 karma

I thought of another stupid question. Before you had these implants you mentioned that you had hearing aids. I'm assuming those helped because you would've stopped using them if they hadn't. Anyway, despite being deaf, did you still hear your own thoughts before you could really hear anybody speak, or have you always had the hearing aids? Thank you very much for answering my first question and doing this AMA. Since I already said have a great day, have a great tomorrow!