Highest Rated Comments

Frothpiercer224 karma

Do you think think this has affected how you speak of him now?

Not asking if he bought you off, but by repairing some of the damage and helping your life, did it helpe you move forward?

Frothpiercer31 karma

I notice that you do not mention the two previous incidennts where Iran falsely claimed that sailors from Australia (who evaded) and Britain (who were captured) were in their territorial waters, in the British case actually having to revise the publically stated coordinates when it was pointed out that the location was outside of their territory.

Frothpiercer8 karma

You need to find a writer (if Adam doesn't want to do it) or better yet speak to an agent.

You probably wont get any of the money yourself as proceeds of crime but this could take a huge chunk of that $200K debt away.

Edit: saw you were on A Current Affair. You have probably been over htis.

Frothpiercer4 karma

When the plight of said victim is used to silence those crticising an unfair legal process, yes.

Frothpiercer3 karma

You would have been caught, mainty for two reasons OTTOMH.

First is the amounts you were moving and the frequency would have lit up the radar anti money laundering and AUSTRAC.

Second is... people are arseholes and get jealous. Eventually someone who knew would have felt that they "deserved" more or felt slighted and they would have informed on you. The police would have heard about it and taken a real good look thinking you were involved in something much worse.

Happens a lot with finance workers who commit long term fraud, like this guy.