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Fukawa_Touko24 karma

When i was in 7th/8th grade and having a lot of personal issues, i had intense panic episodes late into the night and was in complete denial. i would stay up all night watching videos on youtube to keep myself awake because i was afraid of sleeping, cause i thought something bad would happen. one night i came across cool guy at 3 am and as soon as i watched it i realized i had a problem. and then i got better! so, thanks cool guys. you're cool.

Fukawa_Touko2 karma

Hi there!
Just wondering, which sleep disorders intersect with narcolepsy most often? It feels like I must have something, I just don't know what.

I haven't always been a tired person, but it started in ninth grade. I was coming off of a relatively mild but still nightmarish case of PTSD, and I'd gone months without proper sleep. I had math first period, and I fell asleep in that class almost every day. I thought it was because I stayed up late or something, but even when I did that I always fell asleep while chatting with my friends at around 10:30-11:30. It felt like it came out of nowhere, and I knew as soon as it hit I was done for in 5 minutes, tops.

I would get really drowsy in whatever class I had after lunch, and I still do. In ninth grade it was physics, last year it was World Lit, and this year it's Biology. I've managed to stave it off a bit by changing what I eat for lunch/my diet in general, but I still get the mid-afternoon sleep attack, though it's a lot easier to stay awake in first period now. However, I always flip between staying up until 3 am or passing out at 10:30 or 11:30, even still. I'm drowsy just typing this haha.

In the mornings I always need at least 20 minutes to get up. It feels impossible to move more than a little bit when I'm falling asleep or waking up, and it feels like, even on weekends, I drop in and out of consciousness starting at 7 am until maybe noon.

Sorry, I didn't mean to write so much. I don't want you to feel like you have to diagnose me or anything, I just wanna know if you can relate to my experiences. I'd ask for a sleep study, but my parents always say I just stay up too late.