Highest Rated Comments

Funkagenda225 karma

You worked for a contraction company? I just imagined a bunch of suits angrily standing around a board room throwing down contractions like "ca'nt" and "wou'dnt" and you calmly saying, "Well of course they don't work that way...".

Funkagenda14 karma

This is something I'm wondering about, as well.

The Big Three up here tend to be even more anti-competitive than the large US carriers, and provide both the majority of wireless service and the majority of internet access.

Funkagenda14 karma

torn disc

I've heard of slipped discs, herniated discs, and even shattered discs... torn is a new one.

So... the hell is a torn disc?

Funkagenda8 karma

He's mentioned elsewhere that he's got a bunch of videos waiting to be uploaded and the Z3/Z3 Compact are in the queue.