Highest Rated Comments

GabeMcCann1 karma

Have you thought of mentioning independent lengthy comics in the course such as Jeff Smith's Bone and Dave Sim's Cerebus?

GabeMcCann1 karma

Hi Prof Kuskin. Here's a video done by ABC TV in Australia in which Eddie Campbell discusses From Hell and how to draw from Alan Moore's scripts. It's a bit long but might be interesting for other students to watch when they have the time as a teaser for what your course will be providing. ......Thought you might find it interesting The Blurb for the show is as follows...Jennifer Byrne Presents: Graphic Novels Jennifer Byrne presents this special on graphic novels, or if you prefer: comics, picture books, Illustrated fiction or sequential art narrative. To discuss the wonderful combination of words and images, we are joined by special guests Eddie Campbell, Sophie Cunningham, Burce Mutard and Nicki Greenberg. The link to it is here ....http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/tv/firsttuesday/vodcast/jbp_10_02_05.wmv

GabeMcCann1 karma

MAPPING WHERE WE ALL ARE AROUND THE WORLD ..... I did this on some other coursera courses I'm doing and most other students seemed to like the idea. Basically we can all pin where we are around the world on a map. Just created one here https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=675807

and added myself as the first student. If anyone wants to they can add their location so everyone knows where we are and roughly how many people are doing this course and have pinned themselves to the map. If you think this is a good idea just pin yourself and upgrade this link. :-)