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GhandiGrizzly11 karma

The system makes all the calculations necessary for how many G's the aircraft can safely pull based on what is loaded on the aircraft (tanks, munitions, travel pods, jammer etc.) but it does not prevent the pilot from pushing past the calculated limits. In the case of certain levels of over-G, panels have to be removed to inspect high stress areas such as bulkheads and seams. If the over-G event is bad enough we have "panel parties" and as long as the pilot is not a douche, he will join in as he is the one that broke it.

GhandiGrizzly7 karma

This is unfortunately the case. A personnel or finance troop will get an incentive ride over the maintainer that has worked the aircraft for the past 6+ years :(

GhandiGrizzly6 karma

Absolutely, our pilots hated flying against the raptors at Nellis. Had no idea where they were coming from before they were locked up in the fight. The F-15 is dated for it's avionics package; but it's the tactics, flying hours, familiarity, combat effectiveness, and multi role capability are what keep it around and continue to keep it flying. The 22 is definitely a welcome contender. A couple (small) hiccups with the avionics package as well as ease of maintenance are the only things holding it back and from what I've heard they have already been remedied.

Edit: plus there's no other feeling quite like hearing and feeling those two wonderful F100s starting up. The sound of freedom ;)

GhandiGrizzly5 karma

Sorry but both wrong. The F-15 is clearly the best fighter jet on the planet.

GhandiGrizzly5 karma

F-15 avionics guy here. I can speak for at least avionics in saying we learn the fundamentals of troubleshooting the integrated systems and basics of a couple (F-15A-E, F-16, A-10, and U-2) different aircraft; then at our duty station get more experience with the assigned aircraft. I'd imagine it would be the same for other specialists. I'm not 100% sure what an apg or back shop tech school entails but I believe they learn a specific aircraft.