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Gibertcs145 karma

I am a doctoral student, studying rehabilitation programs in prisons for offenders. While we don't do a lot of work with people who are serving sentences so long that they'll be seniors when released, we are trying a lot of things in prisons: Cognitive behavioral therapy (Where we ask the offender to make a "Chain of events" that lead them to offend), vocational training (Teaching them a trade), college education in prisons, probation instead of incarceration, religious programs, etc.

Did you ever participate in any of these programs? Were you ever aware of them? What's the general feeling about "Rehabilitation programs" inside the prison?

On an unrelated note, what do you want to do now that you're out?

Thank you for your honesty and candor.

Gibertcs69 karma

Other than finding employment, what's the most difficult part of having a criminal record?

Gibertcs45 karma

I'm not a priest but I thought I'd try my hand at this. Pride is a sin because it causes us to rely on our own abilities and understandings and not God's. I think that the biblical word pride probably is closer associated to the English word for arrogance, this is an attitude that says "I needed God for a while but now I'm going to live for me." We see this a lot with people who turn to God for healing, or to bring them out of an addiction, or just to get to heaven, but feel they don't need to make the self - sacrifices that Jesus did (e.g. putting others above yourself).

Gibertcs6 karma

Captain Christ,

When you say that you "Demolished the war on drugs" what do you mean? How did you measure the degree to which you "Demolished" the war on drugs? I am surprised that such a feat can be accomplished via a viral video.