Highest Rated Comments

Giles_Jay5 karma

Huge fan of the show. My friend turned me onto the series saying it was the “Clone High for grown ups”, which really intrigued me. I really like the concept you have created, how you don’t make each story the same formula for every episode. Also, I’ve never seen a comedy as laugh-out-loud hilarious as Todd Smith. Anyway, blah, blah love the show here’s some questions for you guys:

  1. How close are your lines delivered to what is actually written?
  2. Which actor improvs the most?
  3. Which actor smokes the most off camera?
  4. What kind of music do yinz listen to?
  5. Who is the funniest actor on set/to work with?
  6. Who is usually the first person to crack a smile/laugh at a joke when shooting?
  7. Which actor is most like the character he or she plays?
  8. What is a Brazilian Smother Monkey?
  9. To Chris Leavins: How much did you make the character of Atticus and how much was written in? I think you are a phenomenal actor, and I’m trying to picture what material you were given to how you made your character the way he is.
  10. Are you hiring voice actors for the new film or have they already been cast? Because I would love to audition

Again, I think you guys are great, I could literally go on for hours about how much I love Todd Smith. It's the best TV show ever and it's only 2 seasons long!

Giles_Jay5 karma

You stay away from our women!