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GoBrandiRanger6 karma

I personally point out how prevalent morality is in other primate communities. Altruism is a byproduct of evolution. More immoral things have been done in the name of Gods than from a lack thereof. If you follow the bible for what it says, they'd be murdering their children for saying no to them, raping and pillaging whole towns and selling their daughters to full grown men as sex slaves.

GoBrandiRanger4 karma

Is there any real hope of implementing full separation of Church and State?

GoBrandiRanger2 karma

How can the average Secular Humanist help your cause?

GoBrandiRanger2 karma

It amazes me how few of them are aware, or acknowledge that "one nation, under God" has only been in the pledge of allegiance since 1954.

GoBrandiRanger2 karma

You're resorting to a straw man attack when it's really not necessary. I'm attempting to understand what it is you're saying when the original post didn't really spell it out enough.

In actuality, Secularism frequently follows advanced education.

I'm assuming you meant Dawkins when you said Dawking (which goes to show how much you've actually researched his work). In which case, you're way off base in calling him stupid. Richard Dawkins was the Professor of Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University for over a decade. I'm not saying that makes him immune to being wrong, just that he's obviously not stupid.

You're generalizing in calling all Atheists stupid and STILL haven't presented any actual statements made by an Atheist that you took as generalization.

What exactly do we generalize? Can you tell me that?

You turned my asking you to further elaborate into an opportunity to call Atheists stupid and managed to avoid actually elaborating.